
duty to vote?

You've probably heard, Archbishop Charles Chaput has a new book. You're also probably, like me, looking forward to reading it soon. The book is titled, "Render Unto Caesar," and addresses many of the same subjects addressed on this blog and others. The good Archbishop has recently been interviewed by Hugh Hewitt, a radio talk show host, and the conversation is well worth reading. I found this to be particularly provocative, especially for those who think abstaining from voting is the only legitimate option for faithful Catholics. In particular, Hewitt asks the Archbishop:
HH: Is it part of the duty of a good Catholic to vote if they’re allowed to vote?

CC: Oh, I think it’s a duty of a good Catholic not only to vote, but to know the issues. It’s more than just voting. You know, voting is kind of a minimal thing, but a vote is foolish if it’s not based on knowledge. So we have to know candidates, we have to be aware of party platforms, we have to be really engaged on the issues or our votes will be wasted, and maybe even turned in the wrong direction. So voting is what all good citizens do. And another point I’d like to mention is patriotism is considered a virtue not only by Catholics, but by Christians, and to love our country, which is a broader sense of loving our neighbor. And when I grew up and studied the Catechism, it was always associated with what they called filial piety, which is love of our parents, love of our family. And we’re required to see the broader community as an extension of our family. And so it’s…patriotism is a virtue, it’s something we should be proud of. And those who are good citizens are good Christians.
I should say that I do not think what the Archbishop is saying here is that abstaining from voting is an absolutely illegitimate option, although it sounds like it. SO what is he saying? What do you think?

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