
Why McCain?

I agree with the correct sense of Bill Bennett and Seth Liebsohn who write:
McCain voted to defund Planned Parenthood last year, Clinton didn’t and would likely expand Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding.

McCain voted to ban partial-birth abortion, Clinton didn’t and would likely reverse the partial-birth abortion ban.

McCain voted for Roberts and Alito and made the case for them in the media, Clinton didn’t.

McCain has never voted for a tax increase, Clinton will increase taxes.

McCain will continue the Bush tax cuts, Clinton will end them.

McCain will end pork-barrel spending, Clinton supports the endowment of projects like the Woodstock Museum with taxpayer funding.

McCain will not cut and run in Iraq, Clinton will work with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid to do just that.

McCain sponsored legislation to keep the Fairness Doctrine from rearing its head again, Clinton has not and has signaled moves to revive it.

McCain supports school choice, Clinton does not.

Clinton will mandate health insurance, McCain will not.

McCain voted to convict Bill Clinton on impeachment, Clinton was a witting accomplice in President Bill Clinton’s scandals.

McCain has an ACU (American Conservative Union) rating of 82.3; Clinton has a rating of 9.

McCain has 0-percent rating from NARAL; Clinton has 100 percent.
Yeah, McCain can be a jerk. But what is the alternative?


Dave said...

I agree 100%. I'm not much a fan of the argument that if we get a Democrat then it will help us in the long run (i.e. 2012). People made the same argument in 2006, if the Democrats won the Congress in 2006, then people would see how bad they are and vote more conservatively in 2008... (I even tried to spin the 2006 results this way) The thing is that all indicators point to the fact that the Democrats are much more energized than the Republicans and 2008 is shaping up to be a very bad year for Republicans. I don't expect that to help out Republicans in 2010 or 2012.

Dave said...

I'm also glad to know that McCain is against the Fairness Doctrine, at least he doesn't completely fail on free speech.