
The Difference Between Edwards and Huckabee

Both Huckabee and Edwards are called populists. Jim Geraghty over at National Review's campaign spot cited this account of Huckabee to compare Huckabee to Edwards:
He also told a perfectly schmaltzy story about Randy Bishop, a truck driver, making a speech for him at a Republican dinner, where the other candidates were represented by a Congressman and a Senator. He didn't even own a suit, and the MC at the event (presumably accidentally) called him, "undressed." Huckabee said he's going to get Randy Bishop a suit and put him up on stage on Inauguration Day.
Geraghty goes on to say that Edwards often complains about little girls not having coats. I sent Geraghty an e-mail saying that there is a difference:
UPDATE: Campaign Spot reader David makes a good point: "The major difference between Huckabee and Edwards here is that Huckabee is going to pay for it himself, whereas Edwards complains about the government's failing to provide the little girl a coat. Edwards is a liberal populist. I hope Huckabee is a conservative populist, that remains to be seen."
Check out the whole post here.

1 comment:

Zach said...


National Review loves you

hell yeah