
"the way you would say he executed other people"

This is who shapes our minds today:

Peter Suderman of Culture11 comments
The director proceeds to explain that, sure, the Che he depicts probably would've been fully capable of mass-killings and other atrocities. But then comes the kicker: "It doesn't matter whether I agree with that or not." In other words: Who cares if Che was a mass murderer? What matters isn't whether mass killing is good or bad, but that he worked really hard at it! By this logic, Soderbergh likely would've been more impressed had Che's death count been even higher.

Of course, his movie barely notices Che's roving death squads — they're referenced in passing in a speech given to the U.N. — or his declared notion that revolutions should be powered by hatred. Instead, we get a kinder, gentler murderer, who mellifluously intones that the most important quality a revolutionary can possess is love — "love of humanity, of justice, and self."
Also this: Che's history (with a little bit of polemic thrown in).

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